sunset california

a well balanced life

A More Well Balanced Life

There’s that small voice inside each of us that tells us we have two options in our life, and that these paths are mutually exclusive; we are either pursuing our passions and having fun, or we are sacrificing those very things to help others. Too often people compartmentalize their lives into categories – work, fun, volunteering, and many others. We work hard so we can play hard. We make money so we can give it away.

The truth is, people are stuck in jobs they don’t want to be in, to pay for things they’re not sure they really want, and no one has time to truly be fulfilled by pursuing their life-giving hobbies or by serving others.

What if our hobbies didn’t exist to solely relieve us of the stress that is brought about by our work? What would it look like if our work made an impact in the world that we could feel good about? Maybe this would help us to cut back on the number things we have to do.

I suggest we start to pair down the number of categories we create in our life by combining a few of them. This way, we won’t be working now so we can live later, or accumulating wealth to help other people once we have enough. Instead, we will be living a purposeful existence now.

And above all, we must infuse fun into every aspect of our lives. There’s 2 main reasons for this that I see…

  1. It’s better for us and a more sustainable way to live and work.
  2. We need to model a more well-balanced life for the next generation.

It will take intentionality and courage… but don’t all things that are worthwhile?

Written by Kohl Crecelius
Kohl Crecelius is a social entrepreneur, father, husband and life enthusiast. He is the CEO and Co-founder of KNOWN SUPPLY and Krochet Kids intl. -- working globally to celebrate makers and humanize the apparel industry. He is passionate about helping others realize the role they can play in changing the world using the skills and gifts they have.